Need for Clean Water for All

Need for Clean Water for All

Safe Water on Earth Day As the world celebrated the Earth Day on 22nd April, few institutions volunteered for providing safe water to the numerous neglected and deprived population in various parts of our country. One such name is that of Ponty Chadha Foundation, the social arm of the WAVE Group. 

As we all know that despite our planet being blessed with three-fourth of water, only 2% is available as fresh and is suitable for drinking.  Hence, it is quite clear that fresh water is a very precious resource and is needed for our survival and for conducting various activities in our daily life. Statistics reveal that very high numbers of lives are lost due to the lack of clean and safe drinking water. As per a United Nations’ report around 1.8million people die from water borne diseases like diarrhea and cholera. The victims of this problem are mostly the underprivileged classes. While modern housing complexes of metropolises are equipped with latest aqua filters and RO techniques, the rural population has hardly any access to purified water. Hence, it makes it imperative to facilitate clean drinking water for the growing population of India. 

With increased level of pollution it has become crucial to ensure that the provided water is completely germ free to make it fit for consumption. After all, the quality of human life is directly proportional to the quality of water availability.  Through safe water initiatives along with improvement of solid and liquid waste disposal we can contribute towards the greater benefit of the society.  This has stimulated the Ponty Chadha Foundation to take a lead role for ensuring the availability of safe drinking water and environmental sanitation for the common good of disadvantaged communities.

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