Tang Distribution Drives by PCF this February
There’s no joy like the joy of giving, as a nation we have fared well in terms …
Make Room for Kindness, Compassion & Goodwill this World NGO Day
27th February, a day to celebrate & commemorate charitable acts done by NGOs around the world! Declared in …
What you must know this World Cancer Day
The World Cancer Day is observed globally every year on February 4 to unite the world and reflect …
How the youth are helping India grow into a superpower
A country is as strong as its people, and India’s youth play a pivotal role in shaping our …
Celebrating the YOUTH-ful spirit at The Ponty Chadha Foundation
Swami Vivekananda, who was an Indian spiritual leader, and an inspiration to all, is thought of with the …
New Year resolutions to make India a better place to live
2018 is not just a new year, but an opportunity for new beginnings, new ventures and new goals. …
Empowering the less privileged – Kaushal Mela
The Ponty Chadha Foundation has always strived to give back to the society, and help light the way …
Human Rights Day: A Pivotal Day for The Ponty Chadha Foundation
The world is in a constant state of chaos, and the urgency to establish the right to freedom, …
Changing the course of food migration this World Food Day
World Food Day is celebrated each year on the 16th of October, and is a way to honour …
One Step To Freedom: Helping India Grow One Step At A Time
Freedom is a feeling that cannot be touched or seen. It can only be felt. A sense of …