Integrated Child Protection Scheme (ICPS)

Integrated Child Protection Scheme (ICPS)

Mata Bhagwanti Chadha Niketan ChildrenDelineates child protection as keeping children safe from a risk or perceived risk to their lives or childhood and hence managing and reducing their vulnerability. Article 21(a) of The Indian Constitution makes it mandatory for all the children between the age of 6-14 to receive free and compulsory education. Article 45 demands the state to provide early childhood care and education to all children below 6 years.

Some of the endeavours of the Ponty Chadha Foundation encompass:

  • Upcoming Wave Skills Academy in Ghaziabad – for grooming skills and offering recruitment
  • Mata Bhagwanti Chadha Niketan – a dedicated institution for children with other abilities
  • Food Bank Initiation – distribution of essential food grains to both children and adults below poverty line
  • Health Camps – conducting free medical check ups for children and adults in Wave City and Sun City in Ghaziabad.

Uttar Pradesh has the highest children literacy rate- 19.27% followed by Bihar (10.55%), Maharashtra (8.15%), West Bengal (6.81%) and Madhya Pradesh (4.64%). Through the Ponty Chadha Foundation, the Wave Group has shaken hands with various NGOs and other like-minded corporate houses to protect child rights for shaping a better tomorrow for our country.