Free Health Camp Organized by The Ponty Chadha Foundation in village Inayatpur on December 17

Free Health Camp Organized by The Ponty Chadha Foundation in village Inayatpur on December 17

Health Check up camp for Unprivileged

The Ponty Chadha Foundation has been committed towards social welfare and economic development of the needy in the society. In such an endeavor, the Foundation in collaboration with the Indo German Hospital conducted a free health camp at village Inayatpur on December 17th between 10 a.m. and 1 p.m. Out of 350 families, a total of 141 patients attended the camp.

  • Held at a village Pradhan place, a huge space was available for patients to first register and get free check-up separately.
  • The patients got their name and age registered in the OPD card and waited for the checkup by doctors. After the check up the patients collected the medicines from another counter.
  • A majority of patients had respiratory problems and gastro related issues for which they were given medicines and were further referred to the hospital where they could get further treatment.
  • Most of the women in the village ignored problems related to gynae due to lack of knowledge and understanding and support from families.

Set up by Mrs. Jatinder Kaur Chadha, wife of the late Mr. Ponty Chadha, this initiative is part of the efforts to channelize the group’s capabilities towards social welfare and economic development of the related communities. Keeping this tradition alive, free health camps are regularly organized in various villages.