Don’t Change Their World Change the Way They Live Their Life

Don’t Change Their World Change the Way They Live Their Life

Kids are happiest

Kids are happiest when they’re full of life – hopping about, being mischievous, playing around in the park, drawing pretty things in their sketchbooks, devouring candies et al. However, there are many children in this world who aren’t fortunate enough to experience such joy – children who sleep on abandoned benches, wear tattered clothes, have no proper diet and nutrition, and are widely exploited by their so-called ‘owners’.

Such children are frequently seen on the streets of India either begging to pacify their hunger, or picking up the waste that we throw away. Their tiny hands, which look good holding crayons and pencil boxes, are forced to hold brushes to shine someone else’s shoes. These little saplings who deserve love and care suffer the tyranny of the world, oppressed beyond repair.

Don’t Change Their World

 When guided in the right direction, children have the potential to change the dynamics of this world. Just like a malleable metal, they could be moulded in any form. And at such a tender age, all they need are tools and teachers that can transform them into grownups who can do wonders for the development of this nation.

Since the rest of us are in a position of privilege and power, we can all join hands to lay a robust foundation for these underprivileged children. Doing even a little bit can reap great results in the long term. For instance, if you see a child eating leftovers, feed them healthy food. If you see a child wash utensils for money, assist them in joining a school by educating their parents about various government schemes. Big or small, our efforts can really help improve someone’s living standards.

children have the potential

 Through little acts of kindness like these, we can help even the least fortunate amongst us to make the most of their lives. All we need is a collective vision. Together we can make this world a happier and healthier place for all its residents.

Also Read: Feed Food : Don’t Waste It

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