How does better literacy aid national progress?

How does better literacy aid national progress?

literacy-day-2“Literacy is, finally, the road to human progress and the means through which every man, woman and child can realize his or her full potential.” ― Kofi Annan

According to Stromquist, literacy is of prime importance for informed decision-making as well as passive and active participation in the global and local social community in modern societies. Literacy supports in developing human relations and boosting the economy as well as the social and political structure of nations. When it comes to individual development, literacy inculcates manners and etiquettes and leads to improved self-esteem, creativity and empowerment.

Importance of being literate

A literate person is more likely to demonstrate the confident and decisive behaviour. Needless to say, a literate and skilled workforce is the pillar of a knowledge-based economy.
The word literacy has been used synonymously with the term education. Education is considered a powerful instrument for reducing poverty as well as inequality and laying the foundation for sustained economic growth. The close relationship between literacy levels and the impact of investment in education for economic growth and economic development of a country is well established.

Fuels innovation and allows productivity to flow

As the world moves towards becoming an economy that is knowledge-based, the significance of human resources and education has increased. Literacy is associated with economic success, and its level determines the type of jobs people look for, the salaries they seek and the way they hone their work skills. It contributes to the productivity of a worker and results in the better management of natural resources. It also helps in rapid technological innovation and adaptation. It allows information to travel faster within an economy, letting citizens and workers increase productivity in both modern and traditional sectors.

Reduces deprivation and solves social issues

Literacy is a powerful weapon for societies to reduce deprivation and vulnerability. It lifts earning potential and increases labour mobility. It also plays a pivotal role with regards to social issues like increasing infant mortality and fertility. It can be crucial in achieving a number of capabilities like maintaining good health as well as controlling reproductive behaviour.

Education can change societies by improving and strengthening values, skills, mobility, personal prosperity, freedom and communication.
In a nutshell, literacy is and has always been an important key to the economic and social development of a country.