World Population Day: 15 Unbelievable Facts

World Population Day: 15 Unbelievable Facts

World Population Day: 15 Unbelievable Facts How long can you survive in a room that’s slowly being filled by increasing number of people? Feeling suffocated with the thought, right?

Now imagine earth, the only habitable planet, slowly populating with billions of living beings and increasing day by day at an alarming rate. Let us not forget that the resources are limited and our dependency on them tends to be a bit irresponsible on our part.

When the world population hit the five billion mark, nations started observing the World Population Day in 1989. Since then, every year on 11th of July, we seek more awareness on the global issues related to demographic distribution.

Here are some astounding facts about population that would surely keep you wondering.

1. Every year, world population increases by 90 million

2. 90 percent of this growth takes place in developing countries where 75 percent of the total population lives

3. India is the second most populous country after China

4. Nearly 1.27 billion today, India is soon to surpass China by the year 2025-2030 in terms of population projected to be 1.65 billion

5. Every second there are 4.3 births and 1.8 deaths, for a net population gain of 2.5 people per second

6. India’s population has witnessed considerable growth of 181 million in the period between 2001-2011. The number is close to the population size of our immediate neighbour, Pakistan

7. World Bank reports that over 400 million Indians live in poverty, which is close to one-third of the entire population earning lesser than 1.25 dollars every day

8. A brighter side to this population growth is that India is going to stand strong with its youngest workforce. Half of its population is under the age of 24 years and 64 percent has already attained the working age

9. Only one percent of entire globe’s population holds at least half its wealth, and the share is getting bigger

10. The 18.5 million households throughout the globe have at least 1 million dollars’ worth of assets based on financial accounts, holdings of cash and equities

11. On the other hand, about 60 million people across the world are displaced due to any kind of crisis while continuing to live as refugees

12. The world’s population aged 60 or above is growing at a rate of 3.26 percent per year

13. By 2050, all major areas of the world except Africa will have nearly a quarter or more of their populations aged 60 or over

14. Despite prohibitions, 37,000 child marriages are conducted each day

15. Fertility rate is not only connected to the population growth but also to the global warming. Though, we admit it reluctantly but population is directly proportional to the greenhouse gas emissions across the globe

Currently, there are 6.9 billion people around the globe who are responsible for 29 billion tonnes of worldwide emissions

Much surprised, aren’t you? A finite world can support only a finite population. While we all worry about population explosion, we don’t worry about it at the right time.
Think upon…it’s a small world after all! 

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